4-H Events and Registration
Tehama County Events
2024-2025 Event Calendar
4-H county events play a vital role in the 4-H experience, offering members opportunities to grow, learn, and celebrate their achievements. When club members take the lead in planning and hosting these events, they gain invaluable skills that will benefit them far beyond their time in 4-H. These experiences prepare them to be confident, capable leaders who can make meaningful contributions to their communities.
County Record Book Judging
Thank you for participating in 2023/2024 County Record Book Judging.
A guide to the Record Book Components - with or without Achievements
Record Book Evaluation Benchmarks - with or without achievements 2024
Awards Night
Awards night is an annual event that celebrates the accomplishments and hard work of the 4-H members throughout the previous 4-H program year. The event also serves as a motivational tool for members to reflect on their progress and look forward to future goals in 4-H.
Host: Tehama County Ambassadors and B.L.A.S.T
Date: Sunday, October 13, 2024
Time: 4:00pm
Location: Evergreen Middle School
Club Officer/Leadership Training
Club Officer/leadership Training is a county event designed to prepare elected 4-H club officers for their leadership roles within the club. The training equips officers with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to effectively fulfill their duties, lead their peers, and contribute to the overall success of their club.
Host: Westside westside.4h.tehama@gmail.com
Date: Thursday, November 14, 2024
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Department of Education 1135 Lincoln Street, Red Bluff
Presentation Day
2025 County Presentation EXHIBITOR Event Guide
County Presentation Day is an event where 4-H members can develop and showcase their public speaking and communication skills by delivering presentations on a variety of topics. This event helps members build confidence, improve their ability to speak in front of an audience, and practice organizing and delivering information effectively.
Host: Los Molinos los.molinos.4h@gmail.com
Date: Saturday, January 11, 2025
Location: Lassen View School 10818 CA-99, Los Molinos
The CA 4-H Presentation Manual is the standard guide for all 4-H presentation events.
Presentation Manual Revised January 2021
ADDENDUM to 4-H Presentation Manual
Presentation Planning Worksheet
2025 Impromptu Speech Categories
Favorite Foods Day
4-H Favorite Food Day is a popular event where 4-H members showcase their culinary skills by preparing and presenting their favorite dishes. This event emphasizes the importance of nutrition, cooking skills, food safety, and presentation, allowing participants to share their love of food with others while learning and having fun.
Favorite Foods Day is open to all 4-H members (members, do not need to be enrolled in a food related project). Adults are also invited to participate in the adult categories.
Host: Flournoy/Paskenta flournoypaskenta4h@gmail.com
Date: Saturday, January 18, 2025
Location: Paskenta Community Hall 13140 Toomes Camp Road, Paskenta
Registration is required.
Favorite Foods Day Premium Book
Life Skills Judging Day
Life Skills judging is a competitive event where 4-H members demonstrate their knowledge and abilities in various life skills. members move between different stations where they complete tasks or answer questions related to specific life skills.
Host: Corning 4hcorning@gmail.com
Date:Saturday, January 18, 2025
Location: Paskenta Community Hall 13140 Toomes Camp Road, Paskenta
Fun Night
4-H Fun Night is an annual fundraising event designed to bring 4-H and the community together for an evening of games, activities, and socializing.
The heart of 4-H Fun Night is a variety of carnival-style game booths hosted by the clubs.
Date: Saturday, February 8, 2025
Location: Tehama District Fairgrounds
Livestock Judging and YQCA In-person Training
4-H Livestock Judging is an educational and competitive event where 4-H members evaluate different classes of livestock, such as cattle, sheep, swine, and goats, based on their physical traits, structure, and suitability for production purposes. The event helps youth develop critical thinking, decision-making, and public speaking skills, while also increasing their knowledge of livestock production and animal science.
Host: Bowman bowman4h@gmail.com
Date: Saturday, March 1, 2025
Location:Tehama District Fairgrounds
YQCA Instructor: Erin Paradis | 530-224-4900 | ecparadis@ucanr.edu
Fur and Feathers
Fur and Feathers is an event where 4-H members demonstrate their knowledge, handling skills, and care of small animals, such as rabbits, poultry, cavy, pygmy goats, and dogs. Showmanship focuses not only on the quality and condition of the animal but also on the member's ability to properly handle and present the animal to judges. This event encourages members to develop responsibility, animal husbandry skills, and confidence in presenting their animals to an audience.
Host: Manton hall_farms@yahoo.com
Date: Saturday, March 29, 2025
Location: Tehama District Fairgrounds
Fashion Revue
Fashion Revue is a showcase event where 4-H members demonstrate their sewing, clothing construction, and fashion skills by modeling outfits they have made or assembled. The event emphasizes creativity, craftsmanship, and personal style, giving members a chance to present their work in a runway-style format. It also includes judging on various elements such as construction, fit, fabric choice, and the overall look of the garment.
The categories like purchased or upcycled garments, participants learn how to budget, shop wisely, and make the most of the materials available.
Host: Lassen Colony lassencolony4h@gmail.com
Date: Saturday, April 12, 2025
Location: TBA
Still Exhibits
The Still Exhibit Fair is a showcase event where 4-H members demonstrate their skills, creativity, and hard work in their projects.
Host: Olive ysacindy@gmail.com
Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025
Location: Corning High School
Regional Presentation Day
If you receive a Gold or Blue award at the county level, you are encouraged to present in the Regional 4-H Presentation Event between March through the April 19, 2025.
- Presenters must give the same presentation in the same category in which they qualified at a County Presentation Event.
In-Person Regional Presentation Day
Host: Tehama County/Los Molinos
Date: Saturday, April 12, 2025
Location: Lassen View School 10818 CA-99, Los Molinos
2025 Virtual Regional Presentations
CA State 4-H Events
California State4-H Event Calendar
26950 Manton Road
Red Bluff, CA 96080
Please help us plan by registering early. Final registration deadline is March 24, 2025. Meeting Registration - TEHAMA
Fee: $40 to cover materials, supplies, meals and drinks, and targets. Breakfast, snacks, drinks, and lunch will be provided on both days. You must secure your own lodging.
Fees can be paid online using a credit card or by check, payable to UC Regents, sent to the UCCE Shasta County office.
Questions: Nate Caeton nwcaeton@ucanr.edu