Posts Tagged: Academic Assembly Council
Wellness Reimbursement Program application period opens March 1 at 9 am
To all UC ANR employees:
Beginning March 1, 2024, the UC ANR Wellness Reimbursement Program will begin accepting applications for reimbursements of personal wellness expenses up to $75.
Administered by UC ANR Staff Assembly Council and its Wellness Committee, and also supported by Academic Assembly Council, the program reimburses UC ANR staff and academics for a variety of wellness items, including but not limited to: exercise equipment, clothing, classes, memberships, personal training, gardening supplies, and books related to health and well-being.
Note that food, medicine, supplements and pet items are not eligible for reimbursement.
To apply, fill out the Wellness Reimbursement Program application, attach appropriate receipts and email the documents to Andrea Rayray at arayray@ucanr.edu.
The application period opens at 9 a.m. on March 1, 2024. Applications submitted prior to the official starting time will not be considered and will be returned to the applicant.
Receipts dated between January 1, 2024 - March 30, 2024, will be accepted.
Applications are due no later than April 1, 2024, and must be submitted for reimbursement in the Aggie Travel system by May 1, 2024.
Applications will be reviewed on first-come, first-served basis and employees are encouraged to submit their applications as early as possible.
The first reimbursements will be announced in mid-March.
For more information, visit: https://staffassembly.ucanr.edu/Subcommittees/Wellness_Committee/?story=2582.
Nominate UCCE academics for service awards by April 1
Nominations are being accepted for the 2024 ANR Distinguished Service Awards, which are sponsored by UC Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Academic Assembly Council.
Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to recognize outstanding achievement by yourself or your colleagues. The biennial ANR Distinguished Service Awards recognize service and academic excellence in UC Cooperative Extension over a significant period of time. Awards highlight the use of innovative methods and the integration of research, extension and leadership.
The purpose of these awards is to recognize and reward outstanding accomplishments in six areas:
- Outstanding Research
- Outstanding Extension
- Outstanding New Academic
- Outstanding Team
- Outstanding Leader
- Outstanding Contribution to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Winners of individual awards will receive a certificate and $2,000. Winners of the team award will share $5,000. Complete award criteria and instructions for submitting nominations are at http://ucanr.edu/sites/UCAAC.
To nominate someone, fill out the online survey at 2024 ANR Distinguished Service Awards and submit all materials in the nomination packet by 5 p.m., April 1, 2024 to Daniel Obrist (dobrist@ucanr.edu).
For more information, feel free to contact the Academic Assembly Council Program Committee:
- Daniela Bruno, dfbruno@ucanr.edu
- Safeeq Khan, msafeeq@ucmerced.edu
- Keith Nathaniel, kcnathaniel@ucanr.edu
- Susie Kocher, sdkocher@ucanr.edu
- Nicole Marshall-Wheeler, nmarshall@ucanr.edu
- Giuliano Carneiro Galdi, gcgaldi@ucanr.edu
For more information about Academic Assembly Council, visit its website at http://ucanr.edu/sites/UCAAC.
Coffee With the Assemblies is back on Tuesday, March 22
Please join us on Tuesday, March 22, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for our second Coffee With the Assemblies!
During this session, we will briefly share the three priorities that Staff Assembly Council identified from the ANR@Work and Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) surveys. Then we will give participants a chance to break into discussion groups to discuss the priorities, including developing solutions-oriented actions to help Staff Assembly Council address the priorities.
AllANR staff and academics are welcome to join us. We hope to see you on Zoom. See the link below.
Coffee with the Assemblies are monthly drop-in “chats” with leadership from Staff Assembly Council (SAC) and Academic Assembly Council (AAC).
Zoom Connection:
Meeting ID: 910 9684 1748
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+1 213 338 8477 US (Los Angeles)
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Nominate UCCE academics for service awards by April 15
Nominations are being accepted for the 2022 ANR Distinguished Service Awards, which are sponsored by UC Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Academic Assembly Council.
Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to recognize outstanding achievement by yourself or your colleagues. The biennial ANR Distinguished Service Awards recognize service and academic excellence in UC Cooperative Extension over a significant period of time. Awards highlight the use of innovative methods and the integration of research, extension and leadership. A new award has been developed for this round that recognizes contributions to diversity, equity and inclusion in extension
The purpose of these awards is to recognize and reward outstanding accomplishments in six areas:
- Outstanding Research
- Outstanding Extension
- Outstanding New Academic
- Outstanding Team
- Outstanding Leader
- Outstanding Contribution to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Winners of individual awards will receive a certificate and $2,000. Winners of the team award will share $5,000. Complete award criteria and instructions for submitting nominations are at http://ucanr.edu/sites/UCAAC.
To nominate someone, fill out the online survey at 2022 ANR Distinguished Service Awards and submit all materials in the nomination packet by 5 p.m., April 15, 2022, to Wendy.powers-schilling@ucop.edu.
For more information, feel free to contact the Academic Assembly Council Program Committee:
- Daniela Bruno, dfbruno@ucanr.edu
- Safeeq Khan, msafeeq@ucmerced.edu
- Keith Nathaniel, kcnathaniel@ucanr.edu
- Susie Kocher, sdkocher@ucanr.edu
For more information about Academic Assembly Council, visit its website at http://ucanr.edu/sites/UCAAC.
Program Council seeks new academic members
Dear Colleagues:
Are you an academic interested in learning more about ANR's budgetary decisions and processes? Would you like to have a direct voice to senior leadership? If so, you may be interested in serving on the ANR Program Council.
Academic Assembly Council is seeking self-nominations to serve on the ANR Program Council. The ANR Program Council advises the Vice President on Divisionwide planning and delivery of programs and develops recommendations for allocation of Division resources.
We are seeking academics with well-established programs, who can commit to monthly two-day, in-person meetings (scheduled dates below), most often held in Davis.
Attendance at all Program Council meetings is mandatory. Please note that Program Council does not have a budget to support full travel (meals during meetings are provided).
A list of all interested individuals will be sent to the Associate Vice President, who will review self-nominations with current ANR Program Council members on October 1-2to make the selection. We are seeking to fill two positions, both beginning January 2020.
To express your interest, please complete the survey at https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=28242 by Sept. 27. If you have already completed the survey, your self-nomination will be reviewed in October as well.
Scheduled Meeting Dates (Beginning 3 p.m. on Tuesday and ending at 3 p.m. on Wednesday):
January 7 & 8, 2020 (Davis)
February 4 & 5, 2020 (Davis)
March 17 & 18, 2020 (Davis)
April 7 & 8, 2020 (Davis)
May 5 & 6, 2020 (Davis, possibly offsite)
June 9 &10, 2020 (Davis)
July 7 & 8, 2020 (Davis)
No meeting August 2020
September 1 & 2, 2020 (Davis)
October 6 & 7, 2020 (Davis)
November 3 & 4, 2020 (Davis)
December meeting tentative, dates TBD
Katherine Soule, Ph.D.
Academic Assembly Council President
Associate Vice President
View or leave comments for ANR Leadership at http://ucanr.edu/sites/ANRUpdate/Comments.
This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.