May 20 town hall with VP Humiston to introduce Staff Assembly and Principles of Community
Plan to join the May 20 town hall to learn about the new Staff Assembly and Principles of Community! All ANR staff and academics are encouraged to participate.
1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Friday, May 20, 2016
VP Glenda Humiston will
- share her vision for Staff Assembly and take questions about the new organization. The Staff Assembly will give staff a collective voice to senior leadership, offer opinions and recommendations on policies, processes and programs, foster an understanding of ANR's mission and offer career training and professional development.
- discuss the new Principles of Community,which was also formed as a result of the Work Environmental Assessment to document the values that will create a more welcoming and inclusive work environment. The Principles of Community will be a tool for education and training.
As a follow up to the ANR Work Environment Assessment, VP Humiston formed a committee of ANR staff to draft the Principles of Community, structure and bylaws for the Staff Assembly. All of the UC campuses have a Staff Assembly, as does UCOP and Lawrence Livermore Labs. All ANR staff — no matter the appointment type, including county-paid staff — are part of the new Staff Assembly.
How you can participate:
If you will be at 2801 Second Street on May 20, please join the town hall in the San Joaquin Valley and Sacramento Valley rooms.
If you plan to join the call remotely, we encourage you to gather with others to use one computer and/or speaker phone because the number of connections is limited.
- Adobe Connect: http://uc-d.adobeconnect.com/allanr
You should be able to hear and see the presentations. If you haven't used Adobe Connect before using the computer, you may want to log in ahead of time in case it requires you to download a plug-in. Access Adobe Connect through your ANR Portal (in the right column).
- ReadyTalk: If you do not have access to a computer with speakers or you just want to listen in, you can call in to ReadyTalk directly using a telephone:
Call-in: 866-740-1260
Access Code: 6063660
- Q&A: Questions will be handled by a moderator using an Adobe Connect chat window. We will not be able to take questions over the phone.
For technical help, contact the ANR IT Service Desk Team at help@ucanr.edu or (530) 750-1212.