Catastrophic leave support available for staff, donations needed
With wildfires burning in Southern California, we want to remind UC ANR staff employees of our Catastrophic Leave Program. Staff members may request leave time from this benefit.
Staff Catastrophic Leave Support
Understanding our options for self-care and support may make a significant improvement in our health and well-being, especially during times of high stress and emergencies such as the current wildfires in Los Angeles. One option UC ANR has available is the Catastrophic Leave Program, which provides temporary salary and benefit continuation for staff employees who accrue vacation and have exhausted applicable paid leave accruals to address a personal disaster such as:
- The employee's catastrophic illness or injury
- Care of a catastrophically ill or injured family member
- Death of a family or household member
- A catastrophic loss suffered due to, for example, a terrorist attack, fire or natural disaster including severe damage or destruction to an employee's primary residence
Donations Needed to Support Employees: Catastrophic Leave Sharing Bank Program
UC ANR is requesting your participation in the UC ANR Catastrophic Leave Sharing Bank Program. If you are interested in donating hours, please see the details below and how to donate.
- All donations are entirely confidential so that no peer pressure may be applied in any form.
- The minimum donation is 8 hours; donations above the minimum must be in whole-hour increments. The maximum donation is 80.00 hours per calendar year.
- Leave donations are limited to vacation only.
- Once processed, donations are irrevocable.
- Employees at or above their vacation accrual maximums are encouraged to donate.
- Please use only your ucanr.edu e-mail address (not a personal e-mail account) to donate.
- Catastrophic Leave Program – This program permits temporary salary and benefit continuation for eligible employees who have exhausted all paid leave credits as a result of a catastrophic illness or injury of an employee or family member, death of a family member, casualty loss suffered due to terrorist attack, fire or natural disaster.
If you have had an emergency or are interested in donating time (donation form) and would like to discuss catastrophic leave sharing, please contact Jodi Rosenbaum at jrosenbaum@ucanr.edu.