Posts Tagged: reporting
Message from AVP Frost regarding child abuse and neglect reporting policy
I have learned that UC Davis Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor Ralph Hexter issued the email message below with the subject “Message to University Community Regarding Child Abuse Policy” to all “@ucdavis.edu” email addresses. Many, if not most, ANR personnel appear to have received it. Please be advised that with respect to this email, ANR personnel do not need to take any administrative action at this time.
The message refers to the obligations of mandated reporters under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA), and notes the requirement that certain UC employees sign a mandated reporter acknowledgement form. It does not describe which UC positions are considered mandated reporters and are thus subject to CANRA.
Please be assured that the ANR Youth Protection Workgroup has been working on this issue for some time. They have identified those ANR positions that are considered mandated reporters. They are now in the process of establishing a way to issue the mandated reporter acknowledgement form electronically to the ANR personnel holding those positions, and to record their subsequent “signature” electronically, in order to keep increased administrative burden to a minimum. As well, they are working on the mechanics of rolling out a brief web training on this topic to those ANR personnel holding positions considered to be mandated reporters.
Again, ANR employees do not need to take any administrative action at this time. If you hold a position that is considered to be a mandated reporter under CANRA, you will receive an email from ANR stating that you are a mandated reporter. It will also explain how you can access training and will request that you return the electronic acknowledgement form. (Note: UC Davis campus-based academics should follow campus procedures as described in Provost Hexter’s email.)
Additional information is provided below. However, any questions or concerns may be directed to ANR Administrative Policies & Business Contracts Director Catherine Montano at (510) 987-0103 or catherine.montano@ucop.edu.
Bill Frost
Associate Vice President
Note: All UC personnel who have observed or suspect child abuse or neglect while working within the course or scope of their University activities should make a report to their supervisors or through the University Compliance Hotline 1-800-403-4744 or http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/hotline.
UC Systemwide Policy on Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect: http://policy.ucop.edu/doc/4000603/CANRA.
Questions may be directed to Catherine Montano at 1 (510) 987-0103 or catherine.montano@ucop.edu.
-----Original Message-----
From: Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Hexter [mailto:provost@ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 11:56 AM
To: All UC Davis Faculty and Staff
Subject: Message to University Community Regarding Child Abuse Policy
Dear Colleagues,
As the beginning of the new academic year approaches, I write to make you aware of an important new University of California policy that requires a broader group of UC employees to report suspected child abuse and neglect. This policy is based on the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act, which became effective earlier this year. Under the new law, all coaches and all University employees who have regular contact with individuals under the age of 18 as part of their job duties are considered "mandated reporters." Many University employees were considered mandated reporters under the former law. This includes employees who work in health care and law enforcement positions. If you were a mandated reporter under the prior law, you are still considered a mandated reporter. Additionally, California law has long required all of us, regardless of our University affiliation, to notify law enforcement if we observe the murder or rape of, or the performance of lewd or lascivious acts with a child under the age of 14.
Mandated reporters are legally obligated to report suspected child abuse to law enforcement immediately and, under the new UC policy, they are also required to report suspected child abuse to the University's whistleblower hotline (800-403-4744 or https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/23531/index.html ). More information about the new law and policy is available at: http://www.hr.ucdavis.edu/supervisor/canra.
If you believe you may be a mandated reporter and you have not signed a mandated reporter acknowledgement form, please contact your supervisor about this as soon as possible. If you have questions about the new policy, you may contact Wendi Delmendo, Chief Compliance Officer, at wjdelmendo@ucdavis.edu or (530) 752-9466 or Steve Green, Manager of Employee and Labor Relations, at elrmanager@ucdavis.edu or (530) 754-8935.
It is critical that we take all necessary steps to protect minors who visit our campus and participate in our programs. Even if you are not considered a mandated reporter under the law, I ask that you report suspected child abuse to law enforcement and that you notify your supervisor or the University hotline when you observe suspected child abuse on University property or in connection with University programs.
Thank you,
Ralph Hexter
Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis CA 95616