Healthy Homes Program
The Issue
Families face significant health threats in the place we usually think of as safest, our homes. The trends show asthma in children ages 0-5 years old in Sacramento County was significantly higher at 13.2% than in California at 10.5%. Asthma accounts for 7 million missed school days in California and costs schools $231 million.What Has ANR Done?
In response to the South Sacramento Community Initiative to enhance the quality of life within the community, UCCE Sacramento County conducts the Healthy Homes Program. The Healthy Homes Program, a joint USDA/CSREES-HUD program, aims to help families identify and address environmental hazards around their homes and to increase parents’ awareness of asthma triggers. The initial training focuses on asthma and allergens. ANR staff educate new Hmong residents at the Sacramento Lao Family Community Center about potential hazards in the home.The Payoff
Hmong families learn to reduce asthma triggers within the home
The collaboration between UCCE Sacramento County and the Lao Family Community may lead to a healthier community. To date, 54 participants have attended the Healthy Homes Program offered at the Sacramento Lao Family Community Center in South Sacramento. They learned about asthma triggers -- such as furniture polish, cleansers, bleach, pesticides -- and how to reduce these agents in the home. The Hmong health educator reports that 78% of participants implement preventive measures learned in the course. The Hmong families benefit from increased knowledge and potential reduction in the number of asthma-related conditions among children.Clientele Testimonial
Clients commented that the course was, "Helpful with daily life" and they they learned things that they could "Apply to improve life in America."They learned to "Keep poison out of reach of children and lock it" and "Really pay attention to the causes of your allergies."
Gloria Barrett, County Director & Community Development/Public Policy AdvisorUCCE Sacramento County
4145 Branch Center Road
Sacramento, CA 95827-3898
(916) 875-6520