Spreading Information with Public Newsletters
The Issue
Gardeners in Solano and Yolo counties' are hungry for timely and useful local gardening information.What Has ANR Done?
In late 2005, Master Gardeners and advisors in the UC Cooperative Extension Yolo and Solano county offices created a newsletter titled "Seeds for Thought." Master Gardener volunteers Sharon Leos and Jim Fowler edit the publication and several Master Gardeners from both counties write articles. More than 800 printed copies of the first issue were mailed in spring 2006 to home gardeners that previously participated in Master Gardener workshops and plant clinics. Copies are also available from Master Gardener offices and booths at farmers markets in Davis, Esparto, Fairfield, Vacaville and Benicia. Current and previous issues of the newsletter also may be downloaded in pdf format from the Master Gardener pages of the county Web sites:The newsletters include three regular features:
Topics for the additional articles are chosen by the authors or suggested by the program coordinators. Each 12-page issue contains an average of eight articles.
The Payoff
Timely and Useful Gardening Information Now Available
Yolo and Solano homeowners now have access to up-to-date gardening information and many are contacting Master Gardener hot lines for the first time, asking specific gardening questions. Many of the newsletter readers are utilizing the information to produce "home grown" fruits and vegetables for themselves and friends, as well as to beautify their gardens and their communities.Homeowners and gardeners are learning techniques to deal with garden and landscape weed, insect and disease pests in ways that reduce negative impact on the environment, thus helping to protect Solano and Yolo counties' air and water.
Supporting Unit:
Solano CountyMario Moratorio, Ph.D., Urban horticulture and small farm advisor, Solano and Yolo counties, msmoratorio@ucdavis.edu, (707) 784-1325