4-H Volunteer Enrollment
New Volunteers
All new 4-H adult volunteers must apply and be approved by the 4-H Office before working with members.
Process to Become a New Volunteer.
Step 1. Select a Club. You can also contact Erin Paradis for help finding clubs near you to start you on the process of becoming a volunteer. Contact the Club Leader to learn more about the volunteer opportunities available in a specific club.
Step 2. Complete the Screening Process
All new 4-H volunteers must go through a screening process. Our #1 priority in 4-H is the safety of young people. We do all we can to protect young people and keep them safe while they are in our care. When you become a 4-H volunteer, you are part of the plan to keep our young people safe.
A. Complete the 4-H Volunteer Interest Survey online in English or Spanish.
B. Create an adult volunteer profile in the online registration program. ZSuite
C. Complete a California Department of Justice Live Scan background check. You will receive the appropriate fingerprint form from the 4-H office.
An important part of providing a safe environment is to conduct background checks on our volunteers and staff. Everyone that will be spending an extended time with our 4-H youth is screened.
Step 3. Complete New Volunteer Training
All new 4-H volunteers are required to take the new volunteer training on line courses in the eXtension Campus before they can be approved as volunteers. The interactive training series introduces you to the best practices used by 4-H in positive youth development.
2024-25 California New Volunteer Course
Step 4. Approval Process
Once the training & registration are complete, and the background check results come back positive, the 4-H Office will let you & your Club leader know and you can then begin participating in club meetings, projects, and events!
Once you've been approved you will receive notification from the Tehama County 4-H Office.
Step 5. Enrollment Fee
Your club will collect your annual program fee(s).
2024-2025 Program Fee, Adult Volunteer: $35.00
You must receive official approval from the County office BEFORE working with 4-H youth.
Returning Volunteers
4-H has grown in California because of the dedication of our volunteers. Some of our volunteers have supported 4-H for 10, 20 and 30 years or more!
Re-apply annually by December 31.
All 4-H volunteers must be appointed annually. If you are a current 4-H Adult Volunteer and would like to continue volunteering in the new program year, it will be necessary to re-register & complete the Returning Volunteer Training by December 31, 2024 to continue with no breaks in service.
Process for Returning Volunteers
Step 1. Update your Registration
Log in to ZSuite to update your profile and enroll for the new program year. Please make sure the Family email address in the system is correct and is one you check regularly.
Step 2. Complete the Returning Volunteer Training
After you complete and submit your online registration profile, go to the website below, log in and take the:
2024-25 California Returning Volunteer Course
Step 3. Approval Process
After the application and training requirements have been completed, the County Director will review and approve returning volunteer appointments.
Step 4. Enrollment Fee
Your club will collect your annual program fee(s).
2024-2025 Program Fee, Adult Volunteer: $35.00
NOTE: If you have a break in service
You have a break in service if you were enrolled as a 4-H volunteer in 2023-24 when you apply for the new program year. When this happens, you must follow the process for New Volunteers.
Your registration & insurance coverage for the Previous program year has a 6-month overlap, which allows you to work with 4-H members immediately in the New program year. You have until December 31 to complete the Adult Returning Volunteer training.
If you do not complete the training for the New program year by that deadline, you are no longer authorized to work with 4-H members after January 1st. Once the registration & training are complete, the 4-H office will notify you when you have been approved to once again work with members.
If training is NOT completed prior to June 30 of the program year, you will have to complete the New Volunteer Registration process for the following program year.