Orchard Crops
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We are happy to welcome our new Orchard Crops Advisor— Jaime Ott — to our UCCE Team! Rick and Jaime have traveling throughout the area getting her familiar with the local area and crops, talking with as many producers a they can, and learning what issues you are all dealing with. If you would like to meet Jaime and/or ask her questions feel free to call the office or email her, she would love to get to know you and your farm.
Jaime’s position as the UCCE Orchard Systems Advisor, and is working in Tehama, Shasta, Glenn, and Butte Counties. Her primary crop responsibilities are walnut, prune, almond, and olive. She is finishing up her PhD from the UC Davis Department of Plant Pathology, where she has done work assessing walnut and almond rootstocks for resistance to crown rot caused by Phytophthora. She has also been involved in testing whole orchard recycling in almonds and optimizing anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) as an alternative to fumigation when replanting almond orchards.
Richard Buchner is currently retired, and comes into the office on a limited basis.
Jaime Ott
Tehama County Farm Advisor, Jaime Ott, has joined our team and is backed by campus-based research specialists, searches out practical, research-based solutions to a wide variety of challenges -- developing more productive crop varieties, pest management, new industry technologies and more.