Posts Tagged: vaccination
Employee Comment: Proposed revisions to Program Attachments #3-7 to the Policy on Vaccination Programs
The University of California Office of the President invites comments on proposed Program Attachments #3–7 to the Policy on Vaccination Programs. The policy is proposed to include the following key issues:
- Students will be required to be Up-To-Date on their MMR, MenACWY, Tdap, and VZV vaccinations, provide proof of immunity for those diseases, or obtain a University-approved exception, as a condition of Physical Presence at a University Location or in a University Program.
- Students may request exceptions to any of these vaccination requirements premised on medical contraindications, religious objections, or disability. There are no exceptions permitted for students' mandatory completion of a tuberculosis screening questionnaire to evaluate their risk of latent tuberculosis.
- In the event that applicable law or public health orders impose stricter vaccination requirements, students would be required to comply with those stricter requirements.
- Students who are not Up-To-Date with the relevant vaccination requirements (which includes those who have been granted exceptions) or who have not satisfied the tuberculosis screening requirement may be subject to Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (e.g., masks and testing) above and beyond those who have demonstrated compliance and may be excluded from the Location or site of an outbreak.
- Additionally, students who are not compliant with the vaccination programs and/or screening program must participate in any Vaccine Education required by their Location Vaccine Authority (LVA). Additional Vaccine Education may be required by the LVA in the event of an outbreak or consistent with applicable federal, state, or local laws, regulations, or accreditation standards.
The proposed revisions are posted here: https://ucanr.edu/sites/PCPA/Revisions/.
If you have any questions or if you wish to comment on this policy revision, please contact Robin Sanchez at rgsanchez@ucanr.edu, no later than Oct. 25, 2024. Please indicate “Vaccination Policy Programs” in the subject line.
Employee comment: Vaccination programs policy
On Aug. 16, 2023, the University of California's Policy on Vaccination Programs – With Interim Revisions was issued. The interim revisions move the university's COVID-19 vaccination program to a systemwide opt-out program for all covered individuals. The university's seasonal influenza vaccination program remains an opt-out program. The University of California Office of the President invites comments on changes from the interim revisions to finalize this Presidential Policy.
As background, there have been significant changes in federal and state public health guidance regarding COVID-19 since the last Systemwide Review period for this policy. The federal Public Health Emergency ended on May 11, 2023, along with the COVID-19 vaccination requirements for federal employees and federal contractors. California's COVID-19 State of Emergency ended on February 28, 2023, and the California Department of Public Health rescinded its health care worker vaccination requirement effective April 3, 2023.
The draft policy is virtually identical to the policy with interim revisions that was issued on Aug. 16, 2023. Key revisions include:
- Policy will require covered individuals to either be up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccination or to opt out of COVID-19 vaccination. In the event applicable law or public health orders impose stricter vaccination requirements, such as for healthcare workers, the policy will continue to require compliance with those stricter requirements.
- As policy will no longer require covered individuals to either be up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccination or receive a university-approved exception, model forms and other content regarding the exception process were removed.
- COVID-19 vaccination program implementation guidelines were removed. Relevant language regarding vaccination data moved to main policy. Policy noncompliance language added to main policy, including citations to relevant university policies.
- Removed content regarding rescinded California Department of Public Health (CDPH) health care worker vaccine requirement.
- Updated language consistent with current public health usage. Removed outdated deadlines and content.
The proposed revisions to the policy may be viewed at https://ucanr.edu/sites/PCPA/Revisions/.
If you have any questions or if you wish to comment on this policy revision, please contact Robin Sanchez at rgsanchez@ucanr.edu, no later than Dec. 11, 2023. Please indicate “Vaccination Programs Policy” in the subject line.
Human Resources: Vaccination reminders
Influenza: As you may have heard, in 2021 President Drake issued an Executive Order requiring all covered UC students, faculty, other academic appointees, and staff to get vaccinated against influenza or opt out by submitting a vaccine declination statement. The Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Program policy has been updated for AY 2022-23 and we encourage all employees to visit this webpage and/or the UCOP website updates. The deadline for the flu vaccination is December 1, 2022.
SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19): For the safety and well-being of the entire university community, UC has implemented the COVID-19 vaccination policy. This policy requires, with few exceptions, that all students, faculty and staff be fully vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus, including appropriate boosters.
What's next? All employees shall comply with the Influenza and COVID-19 vaccines and boosters as appropriate. Save your records and we will reach out soon to let you know how to document your vaccination status, safely and securely.
Employee comments sought on vaccination program policy
On August 30, 2022, the Policy on Vaccination Programs – With Interim Amendments was issued, with an effective date of September 1, 2022. The University of California Office of the President invites comments on revisions from the interim amendments to finalize this Presidential Policy.
This policy is renamed “Policy on Vaccination Programs” and primarily consolidates the University's existing systemwide vaccination requirements other than the Student Immunization Policy into a single document. Key revisions that are being distributed for systemwide review include the following:
- The COVID-19 Vaccination Program Attachment incorporates language from the July 15, 2021, SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Vaccination Program policy. This is primarily a reorganization and simplification of existing policy language and is not intended to institute substantive changes in policy regarding existing COVID-19 vaccination requirements.
- In alignment with CDC guidance, the deadlines for completion of the primary COVID-19 vaccination series have been extended to allow for a longer interval period between doses.
- Locations are encouraged to evaluate COVID-19 vaccination program participation, but healthcare locations are not required to do so.
- The COVID-19 Vaccination Program corrective action/discipline language for policy-covered academic appointees has been clarified.
- The Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Program Attachment (Program Attachment #2, page 48 of the policy) incorporates language from the president's past flu vaccine executive orders. The Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Program is an opt-out program, which means covered individuals may decline vaccination after receiving vaccine education. The program has an annual compliance date of no later than December 1. Locations may choose an earlier compliance date. The first compliance date for new employees depends on when their first date of employment is in relation to the flu season.
- The language has been updated throughout consistent with current public health usage.
The following groups are Covered Non-Affiliates instead of Covered Individuals: “K-12 students and children enrolled in day-care programs and camps sponsored by the University or operated at a University facility or location; as well as individuals enrolled in UC extension programs, continuing education, lifelong learning, seminars, workshops and other non-degree-granting educational programs.” For clarity, individuals enrolled in professional development and recreational programs are also included in the definition of “Covered Non-Affiliates.” This provides locations with flexibility on local program implementation as locations define the requirements for Covered Non-Affiliates.
The draft policy is posted on UCNet and can also be accessed at https://ucanr.edu/sites/PCPA/Revisions.
If you have any questions or if you wish to comment, please contact Robin Sanchez at rgsanchez@ucanr.edu, no later than December 9, 2022. Please indicate “Vaccination Program Employee Comment” in the subject line.