University of California
Tehama County
Fruit & Nut Newsletters
Oct 2023-SVR PRUNE Newsletter - Vol #11
¨ Fall Prune Orchard Management Considerations
¨ Gear Up, Throttle Down to control pests, spray drift, and costs.
¨ Canker Management After Pruning/Hedging: Spray Now or Pay Later.
¨ Replanting Prunes Back into Prunes
¨ Prune Brownline Alert
Save the Dates:
Ag Producers Day—November 30, Tehama Fairgrounds
Tehama Prune Day - February 1, 2024, Red Bluff Elks Lodge
Tehama Walnut Day—February 22, 2024, Red Bluff Elks Lodge
Download Newsletter (3,758KB PDF)