Weed Science & Agronomy
UCCE Tehama County Agronomy Mailing List
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"Welcome New Advisor---Ryan Hill"

Welcome to Ryan Hill, our new Weed Science and Agronomy Advisor, for Tehama, Shasta, and Glenn counties.
Ryan's education and professional background is in weed science and plant genetics. He received a B.S. in Biology from George Fox University in 2014 and an M.S. in Plant Breeding and Genetics from the Department of Horticulture at Oregon State University in 2020. Following graduation with his masters, he took on a faculty research assistant role in Dr. Marcelo Moretti’s perennial weed science lab at OSU. In this role he conducted weed research in horticultural crops including several projects on herbicide-induced crop injury. Additional projects included sucker control in hops and hazelnuts, pollinator habitat establishment with pre-emergent herbicides, and electrical weed control of Italian ryegrass.
He is working to identify priorities for his research programing, getting to know the local farmers, supporting your programs and needs.
We encourage you to reach out to Ryan with ideas, requests, or questions relevant to weed science or agronomic crops. Or to just say "HI" and welcome him to our community.
You can contact Ryan at rjahill@ucanr.edu or (530) 527-3101.