Let your voice be heard
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Dear Colleagues,
Two years ago you were asked to participate in a statewide survey regarding your work environment. Survey results have been tabulated and reviewed. While the Work Environment Assessment Committee was discussing survey results, we realized that ANR has no formal or consistent mechanism to get feedback from staff. an ANR Staff Assembly would provide that mechanism.
A staff assembly would promote effective communication between staff employees and the ANR administration. An ANR Staff Assembly would provide forums where staff at all levels can discuss UC ANR and University issues of mutual concern, and offer opinions and recommendations to the administration on policies, processes and programs.
For more information, click on the links below. Let us know if you are interested in being involved in the ANR Staff Assembly by filling out a 1-minute survey by January 26. If you have questions, please contact Jodi Azulai at jlazulai@ucanr.edu.
Who has staff assemblies in UC?
How would an ANR staff assembly benefit ANR staff?
What are the main functions of an ANR Staff Assembly?
Who would establish the ANR Staff Assembly?
How would staff volunteers establish the ANR Staff Assembly?
Who can be a member of the ANR Staff Assembly?
What personal benefits would I gain by being a member of the ANR staff assembly?
For the full ANR Staff Assembly webpage, click here.
Your Work Environment Assessment Committee
View or leave comments for ANR Leadership at http://ucanr.edu/sites/ANRUpdate/Comments.
This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.